Author: Dan Mares, dmares @ maresware . com
Portions Copyright © 1998-2023 by Dan Mares
Phone: 678-427-3275 (leave a message or I think you are spam)
Last update: Date: 04-23-2023
Banner Serial No., If your copy is less, then download the current.
many of the options have been modified or discontinued. so test the current options for your needs.

One liner: Searches for TEXT strings within files for any number of search strings. (does not do regular expresssion).

First off, know yee all, that the maresware software is designed as a generic process software. Except as otherwise noted, the software is NOT designed to operate on only one type of input data, such as say a data base, docx, xlsx, pcap, zip file or spreadsheet. It does NOT open or search within "containers". It was designed originally to work on pure fixed length mainframe text files. So in the case of this program: strsrch.exe, if the input file contains text data the software should be able to find it, and include the data in the output file. If the data searching for is contained in a binary or munged (thats a technical term) format, then the program won't find it. See sample outputs at the end of this file.

Some sample batch files are available upon request to see how to run the program with approximately 15 sample runs. Call for the actual link.

This is a command line program.
MUST be run within a command window as administrator.




Older version may be available in the Linux version

The program is designed to do multiple searches of "text" strings contained within files. It cannot perform the search within a container such as a zip or docx type of file. However, it is possible that there may be some text within these "compressed" files which you might wish to search for. But test it out first. What a novel idea.

It only searches the "text" portions of the data. So if any of the data is encrypted, total binary, or other "munged" format it may not work. However, if you can figure out the syntax of the searched for data, and include it in the strings file it might give acceptable output. Test it and see. DAH!

It is an excellent addition if you export drive slack and freespace from any of the many forensic tools such as FTK or X-Ways software.

The output format is generally made up of fixed length records (using the -w option) which can be imported easily to a spreadsheet to allow for additional e-discovery and attorney review.

The user supplies a text file which contains the strings to search for. Then the STRSRCH.EXE    program searches files for those target strings. (It has been tested while using over 9000 keys with very little degradation in performance. However, overall performance of any keyword search program is also affected by the amount of output which is generated and take time to write to the output. It is not unusual to have over half million hits with incorrectly chosen keywords.

The program can search individual directories or do recursive searches of directories. By default, it searches all files (*.*) but can be requested to search only in files of specific file names or types as specified by file type parameters in the -f (-f *.doc *.txt *.etc) option.

Its output can be specifically tailored for easy import into data bases. IT CANNOT OPEN COMPRESSED OR OTHER CONTAINER TYPE FILES FOR SEARCHING.

It has also been used as a tool to assist in e-discovery processing of files. String searching is often one of the most cumbersome and tedious tasks, even with the sophisticated search capabilities of the integrated forensic programs. Often it becomes necessary to "extract" files, freespace, or slack space and search these items seperately. This program may be easier to use to process certain types of data than the mainstream integrated packages. It is also extremely fast, and has output which can be customized to create a load file for summation. If you don't know what that is, you don't need to worry about it. ☺

There is a custom alternative to the strsrch program called str_spec.exe. This was created about 2001 to process the html e-mail outputs from the report generation wizard of the FTK program. Caveat: It may not work with todays outputs. Simply put, the str_spec program will search through all the e-mail html report files and produce a "log" of the header information found in each of the html files. The log contains reference to the From: To: CC:, etc. all the way up to and including the Subject line. This program is useful when prepareing e-discovery data for a party, but not wishing to provide e-mail content until properly reviewed.

Also, for specific header processing of .eml files you might take a look at the eml_process.exe program.



The user, provides a basic minimal command line:

C:>strsrch -p c:\case_file_data -f evidence_files.* -s file_containing_string_to_search -o output_file.txt

Minimum command line items:
-p path_to_search: the program the path to search,
-s strings_file: a text (ascii) file containing the strings to search for,
-o output_filename: an output file name,
-f filetypes.txt a list of input file name(s) to search.

C:>search -p c:\temp -o hits.out -f -s strings_to_find.

The program reads the strings from the input ASCII text file, and proceeds to search through all the appropriate files for matching strings. The search is not case dependent and the number of strings searched for is currently limited to 10,000. However, that is easily modified. If you have more than 10,000 keys, first, consider what you are searching for, then give us a call.

Even though the file containing the strings to search for is an ASCII file, you can place binary (or hex) characters in the file for searching. The only requirement is that you CANNOT search for the typical carriage return. This is because when strsrch sees the carriage return in the strings file, it terminates that line. Any other binary characters should be OK. You may have to use a hex editor to get those characters into the text file, it does not take formats like: 0Xaabbcc. Also, and this is important, any trailing spaces on each line of the strings file are considered as part of the search key. So make sure there are no trailing spaces in the search file. Unless you want the space to also be considered which may be useful when searching for instance the word free, while there is also freelance in the file. so add a space after "free " to make the program use the space as a valid search character, otherwise freelace with also be hit on.

The program opens each file and does a search for each of the strings. When it finds a match, it creates an output record containing a number of fields. The fields it places to the output record are: the string it found, the location (byte number) of the string within the file, the name of the file it was found in, AND most importantly, it also includes a default 80 surrounding characters to the output. This 80-character limit can be adjusted by using the -m option. (We have had clients request as many as 5000 characters of surrounding text when searching through extracted freespace. And had as many as 1.5 million output hits. They obviously didn't take our suggestion that their key list was too broad.) This way you can easily look at the output and see if it needs further examination.  

Search str.| POS  | Filename      |  text adjustable to any number of surrounding data | 1942 | D:\myfile.eml |;branch=z9hG4bKnp15124From: other stuff following

STRSRCH doesn't open compressed files (ie zip), docx, xlsx, pdf or pst files, to search within the contents. It is a raw search program.

COMPRESSED EXECUTABLES can be identified by using strsrch to look for the following strings: (for 7-zip, the offsets and strings may change by version, and the -U unicode option should be used.)

Program   STRING   LOCATION (from 1)
pkzip:    PKWARE          565
Winzip:   winzip          682
7-zip     7-ZIP        144398  (this is a unicode string)
7-zip     Igor Pavlov  144400  (this is a unicode string)
Place these strings (and any others you need to research from other zipped executables) in a file called strings.txt and run the following command line:

C:>strsrch -p . -f *.exe -D 500 -E 150000 -o outputfilename.txt -s zip_strings.txt -i -d "|"
-p . process current directory
-f *.exe == look for these type files only. add *.dll etc as necessary
-D 500 == start 500 characters (from 1) into the file (not really needed)
-E 1500000 == stop after reading this many characters, so you don't need to read the entire file
-i == if a hit is found, proceed to next file. no need to check further and waste time
-o outputfilename.txt == this is the output filename
-s    zip_strings.txt == this is the text file containing the strings to look for
-d "|" == create a delimited output, for input to upcopy, a data base or Excel

You can then pass the output file to the upcopy command to copy and isolate those exe's for additional processing.
upcopy -S outputfilename.txt  -d  D:\destination\path\towriteto  [any other options]

STRSRCH doesn't currently have grep capabilities. (Examine the logic of the following grep expression on a binary file with no carriage returns: ( grep http:.* ) The output would match the entire files contents at the first iteration of http. Not really efficient.

Output files are NEVER overwritten, they are appended to. If an output file of the same name and extension is found it appends output to that existing file. So be careful when providing the output file name. The date, time and command line used is also placed in the output file for accounting purposes.

When creating output for input into a database you should take note of the last record in the output file. If, by coincidence the last string hit is close to the end of the input file, then the last output record may not contain enough characters from the input file to fill the entire output record. Especially if very large (-m) output records are requested. Many data bases will drop records which do not completely fill their data area. The last record may have to be manually manipulated to allow the data base to view it as a full record.

The -[cC] (compress) options remove hex00 and white space from the input buffer, allowing you to search for multi word strings (like certified public accountant) without the intermediate spaces, carriage returns, tabs, etc. This could be used to eliminate missed strings separated by special characters and end of line sequences. In a round about way, this compress option will also crudely allow for searching ascii unicode characters. But the -U option is more appropriate for that use.

After removing all white space, it then processes the buffer as contiguous text. Because it physically moves data within the input buffer, this option gives erroneous byte locations in the output file. The byte location provided will be within 64000 bytes of where the data actually is located in the input file. It will appear as an approximation (i.e. ~2560).

The -[cC] options have the following restriction. That the line entered in the strings file, be entered without any spaces also (certifiedpublicaccountant).

The -c option is also useful when dealing with files that might be UNICODE formatted files. It will compress out all the NULL (0x00) characters which make up half of the unicode character set. The -C (upper case version) will not only compress out hex00, but will also compress all whitespace. This should be used concervatively.

(-X eXtract special option). The program can also take the number of characters selected by the -m xx option which surround the keyword that was found, and place them in additional seperate output files. Each file will be named uniquely but the filename generated will contain a reference to the original source file where the "hits" were found. Each of these files will contain all the hits found in a specific input file, and the hit will be surrounded by the -m xx number of characters. So if hits were found in 10 different source files, then there would be 10 different output files.

So if you have a word "mares" and a file contains 10 instances of the word, then a single output file is created, the hits are eXtracted, and 10 sections are created, each with the appropriate number of -m xx characters in it. This option is especially useful for persons providing strsrch output to e-discovery reviewers and processors. You wouldn't want to provide a 20 Meg file of freespace extract to a reviewer when only 100 characters are needed. Additional enhancements to this option are also available via the traditional maresware INI type of option enhancments.

Additional .INI capabilities (and are only available via the .INI file) are the capability of controlling multiple extraction directories so that the extract directory doesn't get so many files in it. see: DIRFILES in the .INI option. There is also a TYPE .INI directive which will include in the output extracted file, the "type" of file the hit comes from. This is a loose definition of TYPE, and is only meaningful for the person who is reviewing the output. For all the ini enhancements see the INI section below the options section.

This program is INI capable, and it is suggested that you use its capabilities if you are doing e-discovery work. Read about the generic ini capability in the section INI found in the main Maresware help file.



Options are generally not positionally sensitive. Meaning the options can be used in any order, and may be grouped. The only restriction is that an option which take a modifier, such as the (-o outputfile.txt) -o option must have its modifier immediately following the option. So the -m option would need the value directly after the -m, such as: -m 80. For novices using command line options, it would probably be better to segregate each -option and not try to group them.

Since some options may collide with and affect each other, please test the options before actually putting the program into full use.

In the descriptions below, if an example is shown of the options capability, it is shown out of context. meaning that the rest of the output record is not shown because that option had no significant alternation to the rest of the record. segment is shown for screen placement and sizing restrictions. | Delimiters | are used to visually display the results.

-p: + drive\path:  to start search at [-p d:\\path]. The default is to use the current directory. You can include multiple paths by separating each path with a space. must have space after -p path.    [PATH=path]

-f + file(s)_type:   Include any file types you want to restrict the search to.     [FILE=filetype]
Sample:[-f *.c myfile.exe junk.bat *.obj] The default is (*), which searches for all files.

-x + file_type(s):  E(x)clude these file types from the search. You might wish to exclude all -x *.exe *.dll.     [EXCLUDE=filetype]

-o + dr:output_filename:   (REQUIRED) Output filename is name of the output file you want the output to be placed into. ********** NOTE, DO NOT PLACE OUTPUT FILE IN A LOCATION WHERE IT IS IN THE DIRECTORIES TO BE SEARCHED. IT WILL GET INTO A LOOP AND CONTINUE TO SEARCH AND INCREASE ITS OWN SIZE *********     [OUTPUT=filename]

-s[S]W + string_file  The upper case 'W' immediataely tied to the -s indicates that the strings are to be treated as whole words. This means that the string (in order to create a hit) will be tested for non-printing or whitespace surrounding the string. Be careful, as one persons interpretation of word may not be what the program interprets . The use of an UPPER CASE S instead of the lower case, makes the test case sentitive. This is not recommended.

The use of the W should be tested and verified for applicable output based on your needs. NOTE: if the filename provided, does not exist, or the program can't find it, the program assumes that the string of characters is that which is searched for. Be careful that you correctly point to the file containing the strings.

The default width of the output field of the string is 20 characters. If the width of any of the strings in the string file is larger than 20 characters, the program adjusts the output width to the largest width string within the string file.

And finally, add at least one blank line to the end of the string file. This is to let the program know there are no more stings to read.
Sample string file might be: the exclamation point !, is used to indicate a blank was inserted intentionally and as such, the "blanks" are included in the search.

help   !
Default string key width is 20 characters. -s strings
 STRING              | LOCATION(1)|          |       1942 |          |       2121 |

with -s 30 key string field adjusted
 STRING                        | LOCATION(1)|                    |       1942 |                    |       2121 |

-n #: Make the filename field this many # characters long. Default width of this field is 64 characters. When used to modify the length of this field a default pipe (|) delimiter is installed, but delimiter can be modified with the -d option. Use with the -d delimieter option, for creating an output that can be processed by rm, upcopy, and other Maresware programs. Default filename width is 60

|                           FILENAME                               |
| D:\WORK\UNICODE\STRSRCH\Release\copy1.pcap                       |
| D:\WORK\UNICODE\STRSRCH\Release\copy1.pcap                       |

a -n 70 makes the filename width 70
|                              FILENAME                                  |
| D:\WORK\UNICODE\STRSRCH\Release\copy1.pcap                             |
| D:\WORK\UNICODE\STRSRCH\Release\copy1.pcap                             |

-wW #: This -[[wW] #] option is the DEFAULT OUTPUT format of the text field containing the keyword string hit. The text fiels is default set as 60 characters wide and no delimeters. If this option is used, a default delimiter of the pipe (|) is inserted for easier import to data bases.

default text/hit width 80 character field
|   TEXT                                                                         |
|-4665d772..Contact:   sip:voi18063@;line=9c7d2dbd8822013c>;expir|

with a -w 90 command line option, the field is widened. and notice surrounding the hit (depending on your editor) is a ® and ¯  
|   TEXT                                                                                   |
|8.1.l;branch=z9hG4bKnp151248737-46Za715e®¯;rport..From:  sip:voi18063@sip.cyber|
|22732-4665d772..Contact:   sip:voi18063@®¯:5060;line=9c7d2dbd8822013c>;expires=|

-m + #[CcLlRr]:  Same as -w option above. Except: The string will be centered within this area. The normal default is 60 character output width. If this option is used, the string found will be surrounded (depending on your editor) by ascii characters 174 and 175 which look somewhat like << and >>, or ® and ¯. The letters C,L,R indicate where in the output text field the searched for string should be located. Left, Right, Center(default).

with -m 90L notice the key string is 'L'eft justified
|   TEXT                                                                                   |
|®¯; ;tag=3a58141..To:>;tag=00-04089|
|®¯:5060;line=9c7d2dbd8822013c ;expires=1200; ;tag=3a58141..To:  |

In the output record, use of the following characters: (C, L, or R) will cause the search string hit, to be placed in either the 'L'eft most, 'R'ight most, or 'C'enter of the output record. Upper and lower case CLR values have different meanings. See the program help screen for explanations.

The default is to place the string in the center of the output record and show characters surrounding the string. However, the user now has the capability of placing the string at either end of the output.

-d + delimiter  (do not confuse lower case -d with upper case -D option.) If you intend to import the file into a database, it is suggested you input delimiters between fields. use the character, or ascii value of the delimiter wanted. The pipe ‘|’ symbol is somewhat standard default for most data bases. And you can always inform the data base what delimiter was used.     [DELIMITER=value]

-1 + filename:  (that's a one, not ell) The filename here is a file which will contain accounting/log information about the run. It is always appended to, and contains the command line, and statistics about how many files and time of run. The file can later be used as a batch file for duplicating the runs. The ACCT environment variable can also be set. (SET ACCT=logfilename). Or use the .INI option [ACCT=filename] The order of priority is:

-r:  DO NOT do a recursive search. The default is to recurse through the entire structure from default path. If you start at root, the entire drive is searched.      [RECURSE=[ON|OFF]]

OPTIONS below here are really esoteric, untested to the fullest degree, and should be rigorously tested before putting to use.

-D + byte number  To start the processing at. Byte number counts from 1, not 0. Output Location count is also displayed from byte 1, not 0.

-E + byte number  To end the processing at this byte.

-i:  "i"mmediate exit. When a "hit" is found in a file, the program stops processing that file immediatately. This leads to a single output line indicating the file name containing hits. Use this to get a listing of files which contain hits. Then process the files seperately.

Environment, INI file, Command Line option. To explicity turn off use a +1.

-R:  reset file access time. (NT and WIN9X version only). This will reset the file access date and time to the value before the file was analyzed by strsrch.       [RESET=[ON|OFF]]

-c:  (compress input buffer) This -c option removes from the input buffer all hex00 values. This effectively allows the user to search ANSI UNICODE files. The resulting output file positions are not accurate because of the location change of the characters within the processing buffer

-C:  : (compress input buffer) This is more powerful than the -c option, and it not only compresses hex00 (UNICODE) but also compresses out all whitespace, tabs, carriage returns, linefeeds and any other whitespace which it finds. [COMPRESS=[ON|OFF]]

-q:  Performs QUIET operation. Only prints hits on screen.[SILENT=[ON|OFF]]

LINUX VERSION (about as old as me and Not currently supported) WINDOWS VERSION

-lL+#: (not valid on LINUX version) Process files less than # days old. Based on -t[acw] option. Default last modify (write) date.

-gG+#: (not valid on LINUX version) Process files greater than # days old.Default last modify (write) date.

-t[acw]:   Process file dates options -[lLgG] according to ‘a’ccess, ‘c’change, ‘mw’modification/write times. With LINUX, Linux uses a funny way of representing the ‘c’hange and ‘m’odification times (an ‘m’ or ‘w’ means the same thing to the linux version of the program.) The ‘c’hange is listed as status change times. (ls -cl) I don’t really know what constitutes a change, but it shows up. The ‘m’odification should show last write time. But I haven’t been able to figure tha one out either. The modification is the default time listed by ls -l. And ls -ul gets the last ‘u’pdate or access time

-h  bypass (h)ex values that are not printable. This effectively bypasses formatted disks and programs. It can increase speed up to 5 times when there is nothing to search. It bypasses characters << 0x20 and >> 0x7f.

-0  Thats a zero (0), not O (OH). The output default hit location is printed from base 1. The -0 option, is used to print the output displacements from location 0.

-bB:  Normally in the output record any unprintable characters are converted to the usual dot (.) for legibility. However, in some cases this conversion is not wanted. Most often when the output is of data that the user wants in tact to place into a data base. The [bB] option does not convert these unprintable characters to dots. It leaves them alone. Use of the upper case B, will also automatically install the -W option will make a single line output record without headers or footers in the file. Again, assisting in the import into a data base. [BINARY=[ON|OFF]] The use of the .ini indicator also installs the -W option.

-X + eXtract_folder_name:   (available only after 6/2006) A directory name (it must exist, the program doesn't create this folder if it is not already there), where seperate files are to be created corresponding to input files where "hits" were found. For every file where there is a "hit", a corresponding file in this directory is created. In these files are placed (paragraphs) of the appropriate number of characters (-m XX option) surrounding each hit. So if a file contains 10 hits, a single output is created with 10 "paragraphs". One each for each keyword hit. The output file names are given unique names. The name is formed using the name of the file the hit was found in, and then a unique serialization number is appended. This is to keep unique any possible duplication of filenames from source directory to source directory. Also, if an FTK file export is used to generate the source files to search, and the FTK option is chosen to keep the index number, that index number [12345] is maintained in the output file name. The INI option for this is: [INDIVIDUAL=destination_folder_for_files].

Special INI enhancements only available with the -X option

Some special enhancements to this eXtract option are available only when using a .ini file.

The ini file format is (filename strsrch.ini which is located in the directory where the executable is, or the current directory. Current directory version take precedence if file exists in both locations.)
Directives are one item per line.

They are:
[INDIVIDUAL=directory]. Installs the -X extract_directory option from the INI file. This item is identicle to using the command line -X extract_directory\location. It is the only one that is available from both command line and ini file content.

[OFFSET=ON]. If this setting is included, then in addition to the output text, the output file also has the offset within the file that the data was located. This is useful for later locating the data in large files.

[DIRFILES=XX]. Replace XX with a number. This will create sub-directories within the top level -X extract folder, and place only XX number of files in each folder. This is useful when you expect to get thousands of files as output. Seperating them makes working with the output files a little easier. Each file is uniquely named and the filename also includes a unique index number to prevent duplication of names.

[TYPE=text]. Replace text with a short descriptive word. This would indicate the type of keyword hit we have. It is included in every record. A type more often is used when you have extracted freespace, slackspace or other generic large data files to search in. Type might be something like: FREESPACE.

[DOC_ID=text] Replace text with a short descriptive word. Used mostly for e-discovery summation and concordance load files. the DOC_ID string that you enter here, is included in every record of the files created in the eXtract directory. It is also sequencially indexed for unique identification of each record. (A record is considered a keyword hit).

[STARS=[ON[xx]]] Between each record in the output eXtract file, include a line of stars. ******. If you use the word ON, the default of 20 stars is used. If you use a number, then that number of stars is used. ie: STARS=40

[SINGLE=[ON]] Create a "single" or seperate output file for EACH hit found. This option, has the capability of creating a substantial number of files. So it is suggested that the DIRFILES option also be set to restrict the number of files in each directory. If not, the user stands a good chance of choking the operating system with tens of thousands of files in a single directory.

With the exception of the "-X directory_name" option, all of the above ini options are only available if the -eXtract option is used. In other words, these items are only installed if the INI file is used.

Below are samples of ini files, the command line, and sample output. The header containing the word FILENAME is always included. The FILENAME is the file containing the keyword hits.


; SAMPLE 1 ini file contents to obtain single output file for each input file
; command line for this option: strsrch -p c: -1 logfile -s mares -o outputfilename -X HIT_DIR
; this ini file will create a single output file for each HIT 
; All the hits will be placed in SINGLE files in the HIT_DIR folder
; this process is time consuming because of the possible large number
; of output files created
; SAMPLE single output file contents
;FILENAME:  HIT_DIR\bates_no_exe_09999_047
;STRING: mares
;*****  END SEGMENT  *****


; ini file contents to obtain single output file for each input file
; command line for this option:  strsrch -p c: -1 logfile -s mares -o outputfilename
; this ini file will create a single file output for each file which 
; contains hit(s). All the hits for an individual file will be placed 
; in a single output file referencing the source file.
; this process is time consuming because of the possible large number
; of output files created
; SAMPLE OUTPUT: (a file with the following content)

;FILENAME:  D:\TEMP\HIT_DIR\bates_no_09999_087

;DOC_ID:  _00527
;STRING: mares
;N TO CONTINUE, ^C or x==exit.......Maresware .Error processing file.............

;DOC_ID:  _00528
;STRING: mares
;al Copy ...........................Maresware Unregistered/Unlicensed Illegal Cop

;DOC_ID:  _00529
;STRING: mares
;..............Doesn't have a valid Maresware registration.>...y...h...G...T...Ca



strsrch  -p c:\  -s string.fle  -o d:output.fle
search entire C: drive, output on d: THIS IS PREFERRED DEFAULT

strsrch  -p: c:\  -f *.txt *.c  -s strings.fle  -o  a:output
search all .txt and .c files on drive C: output to a:

strsrch  -s string.fle  -o a:output.fle
search all files in current directory. output to A: drive

strsrch  -p c:\work  -s string.fle  -o c:\output.fle
search c:\work directory only

strsrch  -p c:\work  -r  -s string.fle  -o c:\output.fle
search c:\work and all subdirectories

strsrch  -p c:\work c:\test  -r -s string.fle  -o c:\output.fle
all subdirectories in c:\work and c:\test

strsrch  -p c:\work  -s string.fle  -o c:\output.fle -X c:\top_level_directory
include in c:\top_level_directory individual files containing the hit strings + the -m xx number of characters.
An ini entry of OFFSET=ON, will include the offsets of the hits in the output files.

strsrch  -p x:\   -s c:\tmp\string.fle  -o c:\output.fle -d "|" -v -i -1 c: \logfile.txt -N -m 160 -w 200


truncated samples of output of searching for a specific IP string possibly found with an initial search using url_srch, within a pcap or any file containing the text of IP's. The actual field widths are as stated, and mostly truncated here for display purposes. for all but the -V variable filename option, all fields are fixed width for easy import to data base.

strsrch -p . -f file1.pcap -s strings -o junk
 STRING       LOCATION(1)    FILENAME              TEXT                                                                       1942     D:\WORK\file1.pcap  branch=z9hG4bKnp151248737-46Za715e192.168.1.2;rport..From:      2121     D:\WORK\file1.pcap  -4665d772..Contact:  sip:voi18063@;line=9c72dbd8822013c>;expir
strsrch -p . -f file*.pcap -s strings -o junkv  -V  (name -variable length, UNC format, shorted for viewing here, notice auto delimited)
 STRING     | LOCATION(1) |        FILENAME        |   TEXT |     106791  | \\?\D:\WORK\copy1.pcap |01bae7-76fb74995..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rece shortened for display| |       1942  | \\?\D:\WORK\fuzz-2006.pcap |;branch=z9hG4bKnp151248737-46Za715e192.168.1.2;| |       2121  | \\?\D:\WORK\fuzz-2006.pcap |-4665d772..Contact:  p:voi18063@;line=shortened;expir|
strsrch -p . -f *.pcap -s strings -o junkv  -n 80   (filename field set to 80 chars. fixed length output, no delimiters  )
 STRING      LOCATION(1)         FILENAME                     TEXT  106791      D:\WORK\\copy1.pcap                  01bae7-76fb74995..Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;receyved=;r.o%s.5060  106869      D:\WORK\\copy1.pcap                  60;branch=z9RG4bKjp6658824-465059f1192.168.1.2..Content-Length: 0....B..........    1942      D:\WORK\\fuzz-2006-06-26-2594.pcap   branch=z9hG4bKnp151248737-46Za715e192.168.1.2;rport..From:
strsrch -p . -f copy1.pcap -s strings -o junkw  -n 80 -d "|" (fixed -n name field with delimiters, shortened for display
 STRING       | LOCATION(1)|               FILENAME 80 ch. wide               |   TEXT  field default width                                            |   |       1942 | D:\WORK\UNICODE\STRSRCH\Release\copy1.pcap       |;branch=z9hG4bKnp151248Za75e192.168.1.2;rport..From:|   |       2121 | D:\WORK\UNICODE\STRSRCH\Release\copy1.pcap       |-4665d772..Contact:  si8063@;line=9c7d2dbd8822013c>;expi|
strsrch -p . -f copy1.pcap -s strings -o junkw90  -w 80  -d "|"  ( text field not 80 wide )
 STRING       | LOCATION(1)|               FILENAME defaykt width        |   TEXT 80 wide  shortened for displsy                              |   |       1942 | D:\WORK\UNICODE\STRSRCH\Release\copy1.pcap  |;branch=z9hG4bKnp151246Za715e192.168.1.2;|   |       2121 | D:\WORK\UNICODE\STRSRCH\Release\copy1.pcap  |-4665d772..Contact:  oi18063@;line=9c7d2dbd8822013cr|



SEARCH  search fixed length records on specific field
URL_SRCH  search for IP, URL, email etc.
